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Freezeframe of Op-Art motion graphics title screen


Op Art was a motion graphics project for an op-art exhibition about Julio Le Parc, a famous modern op-art and kinetic artist. He is best known for his colorful compositions and experimentation with light.

Freezeframe of Op-Art motion graphics
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The approach for this project was to analyze which of Julio Le Parc’s many artworks could be animated together in a seamless way. Smooth transitions linking two artworks were key for this short video to work. Monochromatic pieces start the video and are animated in a way to bring op-art illusions to life. Then, the vibrant colors that Julio Le Parc uses are introduced to make the video pop.


The outcome resulted in a motion-graphic video that captured Julio LeParc’s work while the motion elevated the illusionist properties of his art. Analyzing his artwork and storyboarding the movement for the artworks was an aspect of the process I enjoyed.